Storyboard, layout and character design people start drawing. Everything can be rough, but you need to show something on Thursday for class.
Storyboard artists:Focus on the staging more than on actually getting an actual clean drawing. The drawing still needs to be legible, but just enough detail to make out whats going on.
Also I would like to bring up the class animation we did for Barney last semester. We had all the characters move to the left for consistency, if you can try to implement that (left or right, which ever you like) to keep the film conistant and easier in the animating stages that would be great. Obviously when the monkey flings back to the apartment it would be moving in the opposite direction to show visually that hes going back to the appartment.
Character Desginers: The style is going to be with no outlines, so keep that in mind when you design. Think 6Teen in terms of the outlines of the characters, there will be no dark outlines on them. Salehin will also be posting up the pictures that he showed us today.
A recap of the characters that you need to design:
Main Characters:
- The Monkey (or "Universe"). Try to give him a visual look showing that he was created by the scientist. Something subtle, like a wrist band, or a big brain. Just something to show that hes different, and smarter than the average monkeys. You also need to design the monkey in women wear because he goes through a clothes line, and comes out looking like one.
- Mad scientist (replacing Steven Hawking). Also note that the scientist needs to be old, and incapable in order to show his reliance on the monkey, so some suggestions were to keep the wheel chair or to just give him a crutch.
Side Characters (these don't need to be as detailed as the first two):
- 2 Mothers with baby carriges, and a baby inside (the babies can look the same)
- A hot dog vendor, and a guy buying the hot dog (design the hot dog stand as well)
- Nuns, and their Winged-Panda angel variants (I say Nun(s), but they can all look the same. Just something generic cause we're killing them off anyway)
- A rickshaw, I know its not a character, but its a prop and if you guys can design that too that'd be great.
- A vulture. Instead of having vultures, rats, and owls, im thinking just have one vulture design and we'll just make copies of them when we animate. That way we only have to build one character, but duplicate it if need be.
Layout/BG Artist:Location, location, location. Go through the script a couple times, and see if you can picture where everything may be and draw a birds eye view of the entire layout. If time is of the essence, and it is too hard to figure out just draw out concepts (or research, and show pictures on Thursday) of:
- Scientist's apartment interior, and exterior
- The street of where the hot dog stand, rickshaw, hill, nuns crossing, and traffic light, all will be.
I think thats everything? I hope I didn't miss anything, but post as much as you can people. Please. We need to get this thing rolling.
DEADLINE FOR ROUGHS IN ON THURSDAY, FEBRURARY 17 in class.If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. Ill be in the studio all week, and if you need an immediate response, my cell phone number is 647-271-9848. Email:
jasonslwong@hotmail.comHope this helps.